Nanogrande Inc.

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About Nanogrande Inc.

Our printers can use powders of a large variety of size, shapes and types, such as titanium, stainless steel, aluminum nitrite, tin bismuth alloy, precious metals, whether they are of the spheroid, irregular, flakes or fibre shape. We are bridging the gap between semiconductor manufacturing and classical 3D printing.Our Power Layering® allows to reduce the need for support structure, thereby considerably decreasing the material wastage, resulting in an efficient material recycling. This comes from our unique capacity to create the thinnest layers at the limit of theoretically maximum packing density.

Nanogrande Inc.: company details

  • Company name: Nanogrande Inc.
  • Website: – information missing –
  • Industry: Metal Additive Manufacturing (MAM)
  • Range: Metal additive manufacturing 3d printers

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