Review-AM & Electrospinning production of composite hydrogels for medical purposes

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Every year in UK injuries of bone and cartilage costs to National Health Service billions of pounds. These damages can become cause of loss of function and disability for the patients, with extra social costs and lower quality of life.

Bone and cartilage are massively different in therms of biomechanical properties from each other and they are not uniform within the same tissue due to the specific anatomic location and function. Then, tissue engineering (TE) becomes as a promising approach to the complexities of bones and cartilage regeneration. TE’s goals at developing temporary three-dimensional multicomponent constructs to promote the natural healing process.

Biomaterials as hydrogels to medical application are extensively studied to reproduce the ideal 3D extracellular environment for tissue growth and to have adequate mechanical properties for load bearing.

This review focus on two AM techniques:

Electrospinning and
3D printing,

which promise the fabrication of composite gels for bone and cartilage tissue engineering applications.


   Download Report here.


Sources & More information

Sources :
De Mori, A.; Peña Fernández, M.; Blunn, G.; Tozzi, G.; Roldo, M. 3D Printing and Electrospinning of Composite Hydrogels for Cartilage and Bone Tissue Engineering. Polymers 2018, 10, 285, polymers, visited on 15th March 2018.

Image credits:, visited on 15th March

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